Who’s ready for a road trip! Spring, summer, fall or winter—there’s no bad time to explore new places and visit family and old friends. With all the excitement of hitting the road, it’s easy to let your guard down when it comes to poison prevention. But mishaps can happen when you’re packing and on the road. The following safety tips and real case examples highlight ways to avoid accidental poisonings while traveling:

Pack and store medications and personal care products safely: Be sure to store medications and personal care products securely in their original containers (before, during and after the trip). Keep them out of reach of children, preferably in a locked box or bag.
- Case example: A 2-year-old child ingested several of her mother’s prescription diet pills that were stored in a baggie in her purse. The pills contained phentermine, an appetite suppressant related to amphetamines. The child experienced extreme agitation and was admitted to the hospital for 36 hours. The family had to cancel their travel plans.
- Case example: A couple was looking forward to some alone time on their family vacation. While packing, a handful of little blue pills used for erectile dysfunction were left on the bed. The couple’s 2-year-old son ate 6 of them and was admitted to the hospital for 24-36 hours due to a fast heart rate and an extended period of tumescence, well beyond the 4 hours discussed on TV commercials.
Store automotive products safely: Keep potentially hazardous products—such as windshield washer fluid, antifreeze or insect repellents—in a separate compartment in your vehicle, away from food and drinks. Always store these chemicals in their original containers.
- Case Example: With only a small portion of windshield washer fluid left in its large container, a parent poured the liquid into an empty plastic water bottle to save space for the trip. Their teenage son was hot, sweaty and thirsty after playing in the park and drank a few gulps before realizing it was not a sweet blue electrolyte-containing drink. The son had to stay overnight in the hospital for laboratory work and treatment.
Food safety: If you are a regular reader of our blog or social media, you know we often focus on preventing food poisoning. The golden rule of food safety is: Eat hot foods while hot and cold foods while cold. This applies even while traveling in a car. Avoid eating foods that have been kept at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Harmful bacteria can grow rapidly between 40 °F and 140 °F, which can lead to food poisoning. While no one case of travel-related food poisoning stands out, just imagine vomiting and diarrhea in a car. No one wants that!
How to get help: Despite your best efforts, sometimes children act fast and get into trouble. An accidental poisoning can happen to anyone of any age, though. Here are steps to take if someone has been exposed to a potentially harmful substance while traveling:
- Call the poison helpline at 1-800-222-1222. This is a national number that will connect you to a local poison center where free, expert advice is available 24/7/365. You’ll get guidance on whether it is safe to continue traveling or if emergency care is needed.
- If the person is unconscious, having seizures or having trouble breathing, immediately call 911 or the local emergency number (if traveling out of the country).
- Keep the container or label of the product that caused the poisoning with you, if possible, when talking to a poison specialist or hospital clinician.
- Do not make the person throw up if you think they’ve ingested something potentially harmful; call the poison helpline 1-800-222-1222.
Road trips can create great family memories. Being poisoned on a road trip however is not a memory any family wants. Unintentional exposures to harmful substances can be prevented by following a few simple steps and being vigilant throughout the trip. Best wishes for a safe and healthy road trip with your family and friends.
Click here for a free Complimentary Safety Packet (available in English and Spanish) that contains a sticker and magnet with IPC’s free, confidential helpline number, 1-800-222-1222, as well as poison prevention tips that work all year long. You can also get poison prevention information from our Caregivers Guide in advance on any family trip (available in English and Spanish).